"I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
We are taking a step in faith, believing that God has brought us together for many reasons, and has given us a vision for a church that is different.
The Vision God had given us back in 1998, at a conference in Delaware; was a place where everyone has an opportunity to be creative in the anointing of worship in whatever media that they choose to work, not just those who are highly skilled, but those who have an urge to step out and try something new. We want to have drums, and flags and banners, and easels with paper and art supplies, for anyone to use during worship. We want to have workshops where people can learn dance, mime, drama, and various forms of art to be used during worship. We want people to learn to play drums and blow shofars, to make flags and tabretts, and hand drums, and to paint banners. We want to have workshops in prophecy, and open up the prophetic vein in every believer, because we believe that sometimes the prophetic flow during a worship service is the message for that day, and we do not want to limit what God is saying so that someone can preach. We want to honour the preacher, but the bottom line is that God is to be in control, and may have something different for that day than what we envisioned. Our belief is that we see in part, and we prophesy in part, and it takes all of us to tell what God is showing each one to see the complete picture that he wants us to see and understand. This is the reason why all forms of expression are needed, because God expresses himself to different people in different ways, and those people in turn express themselves in different ways, so if you want to see the whole picture, you cannot leave anyone out. I have heard it said that some people have prophesied "out of order" meaning that they were not hearing correctly or not paying attention to the prophetic flow and prophesied something which did not fit the flow, or that they were speaking from their flesh going on and on, or another spirit was actually speaking through them. Any of these will introduce confusion, and are not from God. Perhaps God was revealing to the body that here was one who was in need of healing, and was giving an opportunity for us to come alongside that one and deal with their issue. I personally believe that there are times when demons will manifest under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and that it is an opportunity for that person to be loosed from their power and hold. The guide line for spoken prophesy is that 2 or 3 will prophesy, but we need to pay attention to other forms of prophesy as well. Drawings, paintings, sculpture, songs, scriptures, dance, mime, and dramas can be just as much a part of the prophetic flow as the spoken word.
We want to see all of the body learn to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, with signs and wonders and healing and deliverance, and prophecy, and words of knowledge. This is not for an elite group, the supernatural is there for all of us to walk in, and to experience, and to live. We want this to become normal - that those who are sick are healed through prayer - that the blind see - that the lame walk, that the dead are raised - not because we are special, but because we believe that we are to be the bridge between heaven and earth, and that heaven can be manifested here now - it is not pie in the sky - it for everyone who believes to live daily.
The word says that we are seated in Christ in heavenly places, and that he sits at the right hand of God the Father, and Christ said that if we abide in him and he abides in us, we can ask whatever we want and it will be done for us. God is not a man that he would lie to us, so the problem is that we don't get it. Jesus came to show us how to live, and when he returned to the Father he sent the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us, and to lead us into all truth. So we want to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.
Mark 4:30-32
"To what shall we liken the kingdom of God? Or with what parable shall we picture it? It is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth; but when it is sown,it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade."
NKJVIt is our prayer that this small step in faith will grow and flourish much like the single mustard seed grew into this tree. We are looking for those who want to be a part of a new thing that God is going to do. This will be a place for the "burning ones" to come to have fellowship with others who have the same burning desire, to be trained up and equipped, and to soak in his presence before going out to do the work of the Kingdom~